Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Sophomore Year :)

     This school year has gone by so fast. I can not believe that the year is already over. I can still remember my first day of sophomore year, and I feel like I have gone a long way. I have meet so many new and exciting people, and I have learned so much from each and every one of them. I have also learned so many new things from my teachers this year. Each and every one of my teachers have their own special way of teaching, and they are all so insightful. I'm going to miss all the great times that I have shared with my friends, and teachers.

     I have learned so much, from all of my amazing teachers. My french teacher Mrs. Degani, has taught me, many new french meanings, and has taught me good strategies to learning a new language. I will defiantly miss all her crazy ways of teaching us, and all her little dance moves. Another great teacher is Mrs. Hoose, she has taught us many things by just telling us her stories. My honors English teacher, Mr. Leh is the most insightful teacher that I have. He has so many ways of teaching us, if you only stop and listen to what he is saying. I'm going to miss all of my teachers, and all their insightful words, of advice. 

     Even though this school year has gone by so fast, I feel that I have grown up, and come a long way from where I was a year earlier. There has been many things that I have learned academically, but there has also been many things that I have learned socially. I have made new friends, during these past months of school. I have all of my friends that I have known for awhile, and we're all pretty much comfortable in our own little circle, but I know that we need to come out and meet new people. Becoming apart of Student Council, has helped me meet new people, and come out of my shell a little more, and also know my school, and the kids that come here better. I am a very shy person, but now that I have made new friends with people who aren't like that, they have helped me come out and meet new people. I believe that high school are the years that you need to take advantage, and meet and become friends with as many people as possible. I am so grateful  to have all the friends that I do have because they mean a lot to me and they  know that I will do just about anything for them, and I know they would do the same. If there are people who decide that they don't like you and you don't get along with them, then those are the people who you shouldn't be wasting your time on, because there are so many other people, who love me just the way I am. I have learned the hard way that you can't trust anyone. During my time in high school, I have had friends come and go. I have made mistakes with the people that I have befriended, and as I make those mistakes I learn from them, every time. Every passing day, take in all the words of advice, and when you make a mistake don't get embarrassed, take it has a challenge. 

     I have learned a lot about growing up, and the responsibilities that come along with it. Taking on new challenges of growing up, and taking on those responsibilities are hard at first, because there is still a lot that I have to learn about. I have begun driving, and that was a big challenge for me, because when I get into the car and start driving I get nervous and scared of the other drivers. There is still a lot that I have to over come when driving, but that's all what growing up is about. Also, this summer I am planning on getting a summer job. This is a big step, to growing up, and soon learning about the responsibilities of financing and learning how to manage my money.   

     There are some new things that I have started to figure out, but still am figuring it out. Who I am as a person, and my place in life. I try and think about this as much as I can because I don't want to live my life, without knowing my place in life, and who I am fully. As time goes by, I learn each day, know that I am changing, and I figure it's for the best. I believe that we all change our self image, and who we think we are, as time goes by and as we grow up, but I don't want to go through life not knowing for myself. I haven't really understood, nor figured out my purpose in life, but I hope that I find it soon. This school year, has gone by very quickly, and I look forward to the bigger and better things that I know I am going to encounter in the near future.