Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Dream Vacations :) (Anything Essay)

     Throughout my life I want have the chance to travel to the places I have wanted to go to. The first place that I would want to travel to is New York. I would like to go to New York City. I have never been there, but I have heard so many good things about that place. I would like to go to college out there, but I don't think that is going to happen. Some reasons why I want to go there is because I want to see the Statue of Liberty, in person. Someday I would like to move there. I think that one of the main reasons why I want to go to college, and someday move there, is because I want to get away from the desert life, and experiment with a new life style. Another reason why I want to move there is because I am the kind of person, who always wants to be on the go, and always doing something. Also because I am the kind of person who likes the city life, and I like to be around people.

     Some where else I would like to go is the tiny island of Bermuda. Ever since I can remember I have wanted to go to the Bermuda Triangle. I'm not really sure why I want to go to Bermuda and the Bermuda Triangle, but it is some where I would like to go. I have always thought that the mysteries, and the stories about the triangle is very interesting, and now I want to got there.
     The other place that I want to travel to is Fiji. I would like the chance to go there because the islands of Fiji look so beautiful from pictures and I want to see them in person. I don't really want to go see places like Jamaica, because that is a common vacation spot, for many people. I would like to go there some day but, I would rather go to Bermuda or Fiji, as a island vacation.

     There are many other places that I would love to to travel to, but the main places that I want to go to is New York, Bermuda, and Fiji. I want to go see the small, islands, and countries, first. I don't want to go see the most common, places. I would like to wait, and see those places some other time.