Monday, May 3, 2010

For A Day...

     If I could be someone else for one day, I am not sure if I would take it. I don't think that I will want to be someone else for one day because I like who I am. I wouldn't want to change for any one else. I think that people change every day, even if it is the smallest thing, and that makes then someone else. Though if it was only for one day, then I think that I would want to change just for that day, to see how it is to be someone else.

     To be someone else for one day it would be hard for me to chose. Someone who I would want to be is my mom. I would want to be her for one day because I want to see how her every day life really is. My mom to me, is the best person ever. She is the strongest woman I know and I want to know how it is to be her. Every day my mom  gets up, takes me to school, gets ready for work and goes to her job. She knows how to take care of someone else before herself. She has to be the most unselfish person that I know. To be my mother for a day, I would learn how it is to be going to work, and having to take care of responsibilities of the every day life.

     Someone else that I would want to be is a celebrity. I don't have a specific celebrity that I would want to be, but I do want to be one for a day. I would want to be a celebrity for a day because I have always wondered what it would be like to have millions of people wanting to meet you. To be a celebrity would be a hard job because you would always have to be hiding for the crowds and you wouldn't be able to just go out and have fun without people always surrounding you. To be someone who is famous for a day would be fun. To be able to experience the life that they have, and the every day life that they have to go through would be an interesting way to a look at the simple life.

     I would want to be either my mom or some celebrity for one day because, I want to see how it is to be someone else, and how their life is, and to take a look at how my life reflects on theirs. To be someone else for a day would be a good way to take a look at your life, and see how easy for difficult it really is. You really don't know your life until you have taken a look at it from another perspective. I wouldn't want to change myself, to be any other person because I like who I am. I am, who I am because of the choices that I make. You could always change yourself, but it always up to you. If you don't like who you are as a person then you could always change your look at life.