Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Sophomore Year :)

     This school year has gone by so fast. I can not believe that the year is already over. I can still remember my first day of sophomore year, and I feel like I have gone a long way. I have meet so many new and exciting people, and I have learned so much from each and every one of them. I have also learned so many new things from my teachers this year. Each and every one of my teachers have their own special way of teaching, and they are all so insightful. I'm going to miss all the great times that I have shared with my friends, and teachers.

     I have learned so much, from all of my amazing teachers. My french teacher Mrs. Degani, has taught me, many new french meanings, and has taught me good strategies to learning a new language. I will defiantly miss all her crazy ways of teaching us, and all her little dance moves. Another great teacher is Mrs. Hoose, she has taught us many things by just telling us her stories. My honors English teacher, Mr. Leh is the most insightful teacher that I have. He has so many ways of teaching us, if you only stop and listen to what he is saying. I'm going to miss all of my teachers, and all their insightful words, of advice. 

     Even though this school year has gone by so fast, I feel that I have grown up, and come a long way from where I was a year earlier. There has been many things that I have learned academically, but there has also been many things that I have learned socially. I have made new friends, during these past months of school. I have all of my friends that I have known for awhile, and we're all pretty much comfortable in our own little circle, but I know that we need to come out and meet new people. Becoming apart of Student Council, has helped me meet new people, and come out of my shell a little more, and also know my school, and the kids that come here better. I am a very shy person, but now that I have made new friends with people who aren't like that, they have helped me come out and meet new people. I believe that high school are the years that you need to take advantage, and meet and become friends with as many people as possible. I am so grateful  to have all the friends that I do have because they mean a lot to me and they  know that I will do just about anything for them, and I know they would do the same. If there are people who decide that they don't like you and you don't get along with them, then those are the people who you shouldn't be wasting your time on, because there are so many other people, who love me just the way I am. I have learned the hard way that you can't trust anyone. During my time in high school, I have had friends come and go. I have made mistakes with the people that I have befriended, and as I make those mistakes I learn from them, every time. Every passing day, take in all the words of advice, and when you make a mistake don't get embarrassed, take it has a challenge. 

     I have learned a lot about growing up, and the responsibilities that come along with it. Taking on new challenges of growing up, and taking on those responsibilities are hard at first, because there is still a lot that I have to learn about. I have begun driving, and that was a big challenge for me, because when I get into the car and start driving I get nervous and scared of the other drivers. There is still a lot that I have to over come when driving, but that's all what growing up is about. Also, this summer I am planning on getting a summer job. This is a big step, to growing up, and soon learning about the responsibilities of financing and learning how to manage my money.   

     There are some new things that I have started to figure out, but still am figuring it out. Who I am as a person, and my place in life. I try and think about this as much as I can because I don't want to live my life, without knowing my place in life, and who I am fully. As time goes by, I learn each day, know that I am changing, and I figure it's for the best. I believe that we all change our self image, and who we think we are, as time goes by and as we grow up, but I don't want to go through life not knowing for myself. I haven't really understood, nor figured out my purpose in life, but I hope that I find it soon. This school year, has gone by very quickly, and I look forward to the bigger and better things that I know I am going to encounter in the near future. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Dream Vacations :) (Anything Essay)

     Throughout my life I want have the chance to travel to the places I have wanted to go to. The first place that I would want to travel to is New York. I would like to go to New York City. I have never been there, but I have heard so many good things about that place. I would like to go to college out there, but I don't think that is going to happen. Some reasons why I want to go there is because I want to see the Statue of Liberty, in person. Someday I would like to move there. I think that one of the main reasons why I want to go to college, and someday move there, is because I want to get away from the desert life, and experiment with a new life style. Another reason why I want to move there is because I am the kind of person, who always wants to be on the go, and always doing something. Also because I am the kind of person who likes the city life, and I like to be around people.

     Some where else I would like to go is the tiny island of Bermuda. Ever since I can remember I have wanted to go to the Bermuda Triangle. I'm not really sure why I want to go to Bermuda and the Bermuda Triangle, but it is some where I would like to go. I have always thought that the mysteries, and the stories about the triangle is very interesting, and now I want to got there.
     The other place that I want to travel to is Fiji. I would like the chance to go there because the islands of Fiji look so beautiful from pictures and I want to see them in person. I don't really want to go see places like Jamaica, because that is a common vacation spot, for many people. I would like to go there some day but, I would rather go to Bermuda or Fiji, as a island vacation.

     There are many other places that I would love to to travel to, but the main places that I want to go to is New York, Bermuda, and Fiji. I want to go see the small, islands, and countries, first. I don't want to go see the most common, places. I would like to wait, and see those places some other time.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Own Wisdom Quote :)

"Learning something new is a challenge, but when you overcome a task, you get the greatest reward of all: Knowledge (Leyba, Cassandra)!"

     If today was my last day of my short life, I believe that this quote would be able to sum up pretty much everything that I have learned. Learning something new really is a new challenge because when you are being taught something that you have no idea how it works you, usually don't understand it, at that moment. If you are willing to live your life the way that you want to live it, then you have to be able to take on the new challenges that come along with it. In my life, I have learned that learning something new, has it's advantages and it's disadvantages, but when you overcome a task then you really do get the best award of all: Knowledge. When you have a task that you want to accomplish, because in your life you will have many goals that you want to accomplish, and when you do accomplish them then you get the knowledge of actually accomplishing it. 

     I think that this quote can apply to a lot of people because it applied to me through my years of school. When I first came into high school, my freshmen year was easy enough for me to get straight A's and pass that year. When I got to my sophomore year I struggled a lot to keep my grades up. The class that I struggled a lot in was geometry. Through the first semester I passed with a C. Learning something new, was a new challenge for me, and I think that I was making it harder then it was. Then when I started to stand up and ask my teacher for help, I then had a new task. The new semester was going much better for me, since we start back at a A, I had my chance to keep it that way. Now it's almost the end of the year and I have managed to keep my grade up to a B. Once I overcame my task, I got the knowledge of overcoming that task, and now I know the math. 

     In life you are going to go through many different obstacles, and you are going to go through many new challenges. Some might be harder then others, and at times you might want to give up, but when you have that courage and strength to overcome that new challenge, you will have the knowledge that comes along with the challenge. Through my life I have faced many different obstacles, and I do admit that I have given up on some of them, but I do regret not facing that challenge. There has been obstacles that I have had faced that I have stood up to and faced them. No one says that life is going to be easy but you just have to stand up, be yourself, and take those challenges as a step forward in life.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Music Poem: Auther Unknown

You can view the video of me reciting this poem at :

Music is what makes you move
Music is what makes you groove
Music can be good or bad depending on how its used
Music can make you choose different clothes to wear
Music can make you change your hair
Music can make you choose new friends
Music can make you want to dance

Music can make you fight
Music can make everything alright
Music can take care of you when your alone
Music can make everything feel like home
Music can harm and take away
Music can make you want to stay
Music is the only friend I have
Music is my mom and dad
Music is what keeps me alive
When I feel like I can't survive 


Monday, May 3, 2010

For A Day...

     If I could be someone else for one day, I am not sure if I would take it. I don't think that I will want to be someone else for one day because I like who I am. I wouldn't want to change for any one else. I think that people change every day, even if it is the smallest thing, and that makes then someone else. Though if it was only for one day, then I think that I would want to change just for that day, to see how it is to be someone else.

     To be someone else for one day it would be hard for me to chose. Someone who I would want to be is my mom. I would want to be her for one day because I want to see how her every day life really is. My mom to me, is the best person ever. She is the strongest woman I know and I want to know how it is to be her. Every day my mom  gets up, takes me to school, gets ready for work and goes to her job. She knows how to take care of someone else before herself. She has to be the most unselfish person that I know. To be my mother for a day, I would learn how it is to be going to work, and having to take care of responsibilities of the every day life.

     Someone else that I would want to be is a celebrity. I don't have a specific celebrity that I would want to be, but I do want to be one for a day. I would want to be a celebrity for a day because I have always wondered what it would be like to have millions of people wanting to meet you. To be a celebrity would be a hard job because you would always have to be hiding for the crowds and you wouldn't be able to just go out and have fun without people always surrounding you. To be someone who is famous for a day would be fun. To be able to experience the life that they have, and the every day life that they have to go through would be an interesting way to a look at the simple life.

     I would want to be either my mom or some celebrity for one day because, I want to see how it is to be someone else, and how their life is, and to take a look at how my life reflects on theirs. To be someone else for a day would be a good way to take a look at your life, and see how easy for difficult it really is. You really don't know your life until you have taken a look at it from another perspective. I wouldn't want to change myself, to be any other person because I like who I am. I am, who I am because of the choices that I make. You could always change yourself, but it always up to you. If you don't like who you are as a person then you could always change your look at life.