Monday, February 8, 2010

Animal Rescue

     Abusing and neglecting an animal is by far the worst thing you can do to an animal. Everyone has a voice and it's your choice to let it be heard or to continue to stand back and watch this negative things happen to a poor innocent animal. I don't understand way anybody would want to hurt and abuse an innocent animal! The abusers think that it's just an animal and that they don't have any feelings, but they're wrong.Every animal wants to feel loved and accepted, but when owners abuse them and use them it makes the animal afraid and lonely. For example, when people breed dogs, Pit Bulls to be specific, they train them to be fighting dogs and when dogs are brought up around that kind of environment that is all they know. When dogs are bred to fight and they end up getting rescued, they are less likely to be adopted and they end up having to be put to sleep, so when these dogs have to be put to sleep they don't have any chance to have the love that a lot of dogs have.